then meet my friend(fish,ren dong,kar kent and a new friend her name call ming hui (maybe) ) together eat breakfast^
finish breakfast then we go another to buy a pack of milo ice^^
finish buying milo~I meet a teacher...
when I still 14 teacher teach me
so~he suddenly say "you changed!"
I was take a short!!
I ask my teacher wat I change?
He said"you starting no self opinion"
Maybe sometimes I am...
but I'll become intens!
Cause my society time n 8 finish buying milo just 7.30am
still have time!so me and fish find a place sit down and chatting lor~other ppl so society~
until 8 then I go society...
Society time~
boring~until 10~finish society~
then go find my friend~
after tat me and Alvin go book shop
then we buy jor...
until 1.30 then we go home together~